We currently meet in the cafeteria at China Spring High School. 7301 N River Crossing.
We have plenty of parking available in the large lot outside of the cafeteria. Look for the Wellspring flags by the parking lot entrance.
We know visiting a new church can be intimidating, that’s why we have a greeting team who would love to meet you and show you around! We don’t always recognize the first-time visitors because so many of the people who come are still fairly new, so feel free to say, “This is my first time” and we’ll guide you in! We’d also love to give you a gift as a first-time guest!
Wellspring is a casual environment. Wear whatever is comfortable for you.
We strive to provide a safe environment for kids and families. If you bring your kids, you’ll head up the ramp on the right side of the cafeteria. There you will find a check in station manned by friendly volunteers. We use a special labeling system and our security team will monitor the halls during the service. Babies and toddlers are cared for by loving volunteers. Preschool kids all the way up to 6th grade students will enjoy worship, bible lessons, and activities in age-specific classrooms. All of our kids ministry volunteers must pass background checks and have a heart for kids and families.
Expository Preaching
Expository preaching is a fancy way to say that everything we teach is rooted in God's Word. We commit to boldly proclaim the truth of Scripture and our aim is to always point you back to the beauty of the Gospel. It's all about Jesus! We don’t want to just give you information, we pray that the Holy Sprit will speak to you and transform you through the preaching of God's word.
Our services have music that is lively, and we often have drums and guitars. We take the Colossians 3 approach and sing, "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs." Don’t be surprised when some people raise their hands as a sign of praise while singing, and don’t feel obligated to do so yourself. We create an atmosphere of freedom in our services.
For more questions
If you have any specific questions, email us at wellspring@ws.church, and we hope to meet you this Sunday!
Plan your visit.
What to expect on your first visit and beyond.
Our services consist of worship through music, followed by a time of teaching, and are about 75 minutes long. Wellspring pastors preach powerful messages rooted in the truth of God's word. We also provide an incredible children’s ministry experience with background-check approved volunteers.

Sundays at 9:15a & 11:00a
7301 N River Crossing